Local Number Fax to Email
Turn your local landline number in to a Fax to Email number
Choose any area code number or keep your present number
Local Area Code (STD) Numbers are perfect for organisations that would like to choose their own phone number. All numbers begin with 01 or 02 and relate to a UK town, city or area. Unlike normal geographic numbers, our local numbers are virtual and can have our Fax to Email service added to them.
Prefer to keep your present fax number?
Not a problem, you can move your fax number to us, have no landline rental and get our Fax to Email service added to it!
Please speak to our team on 033 33 58 33 33 to discuss the options.
What are 01 and 02 Local Area Fax Numbers?
Local Area Numbers are also called STD codes, geographic numbers and UK town or city numbers. Unlike fixed geographic 01/02 numbers, our numbers are virtual and come with our Fax to Email service.
Local Area Fax to Email Numbers - Great Solution with Fantastic Savings
The fast, reliable and easy way to receive faxes. Choose a local area code (STD) fax number or keep your present fax number and receive faxes directly into your email inbox. This enables you to receive and read faxes anywhere, forward to a colleague and store on your computer or network.
Use any email account (e.g. Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail, etc).
The service also operates with any email enabled devices e.g. Laptop, Blackberry, iPhone, Smartphone, etc.
In a world which is increasingly driven by a desire for more efficiency, lower processing costs & less energy consumption, Fax to Email offers the perfect green solution.
How Fax to Email Works
You select a local area number (or keep your own), which you advertise as your fax number. Instead of the faxes going to a fax machine, they are converted to a PDF document and go straight to the e-mail address(es) of your choice.
Key Benefits
Key Benefits of Fax to Email
- Save money: no fax machine, no landline, no maintenance or material costs
- Receive an unlimited number of faxes
- Greater efficiency: receive faxes anywhere in the world and share with colleagues
- Keep a permanent electronic record of received faxes
- Quality: electronic faxes are easier to read than paper faxes
- Green: environmentally friendly alternative to a fax machine
- This service eliminates the need for a fax machine and also the need for an additional telephone line, saving at least £140pa
- Printing unnecessary faxes - which waste paper & ink - will become a thing of the past
- Everybody in your office can have their own personal fax number, going to their own e-mail address
- Your fax to email service can be up and running within hours
Local Number Fax to Email Costs
Prices from £65 per annum